

Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012


Ancient Museum

       Ancient Museum is king Cakraningrat omission that located in downtown, precisely in Kraton sub-district, Bangkalan district. Museum, which saves the history objects and historical tools, is located in duty house complex of Bangkalan gouvernor. This Museum collects various valuable antique objects history such as; ancient canon, Gamelan, miniature of Madura’s customhouse and the other ancient tools of Madura.
       So far, this museum become the historical tourism and often visited by domestic and foreign tourists of students, ordinary tourists, or the others.

Traditional Art
       Various traditional art and traditional ceremony as tourism potency and have already to sold, are:
  • Moang Sangkal Dance
  • Angklung Topeng Dance
  • Rokat Dance
  • Keraban Dance
  • Nelayan (Fisherman) Dance
  • Andongan Dance
  • Blandaran Dance
  • Tera' Bulan Dance
  • Sholawat Nabi Dance
  • Nyello ' Aeng Dance
  • Reng Majangan Dance
  • Hadrah Jidor Artistry
  • Salaban (Sandur Madura) Artistry in all (18) districts.
       The traditional Artistry is still existing with new creation of local choreographers, who are active in dance galleries such as; Tarara dance gallery in Bangkalan district and Larasati dance gallery in Burneh district.

        Beside its dance traditional artistry, Bangkalan is rich with its custom that still execute routine by the public, they are:

a. Traditional ceremony of Rokat Tase' in Sepulu district and Arosbaya district, that is ceremony ritual to request safety and benediction of sea from God.

b. Traditional ceremony of Jaran Kenca' in Socah district, that is expectation ceremony of guest at event of sunatan reception (circumcision) and wedding party.

c. Traditional ceremony of Hong Bahhong in Geger district, that is ritual ceremony to refuse the danger or disaster / disease and other bad influence in their life.

d. Traditional ceremony of Topeng Patenteng in Modung district, that is ceremony ritual to request lowering of rain when length drought reach it fierceness.

e. Marriage traditional ceremony of Moang Sangkal in all (18) districts. This ritual ceremony describe about a savety wishes in order not to have sin because a marriage of a little sister who having married first, left her sister who had not married yet. 

f. Marriage traditional ceremony, Ka' Okke in all districts.


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